





Direct Mail






(269) 207-3554


[direct mail]

[with all the digital marketing possibilities, isn't direct mail dead?]

Goodness, NO! In fact, if your target audience is a college graduate, they view direct mail as the most trustworthy and credible means of marketing. But direct mail HAS certainly changed quite drastically in the last few decades. Some of the old rules still apply (use colorful images, oversized mailers, handwriting where possible, etc.) but there is much more to direct mail these days. Here are a few goodies.

  • pURL's - Personalize URL's (or domain names) have a much higher ROI than a basic business domain name because they include the recipient's name in the domain name.  If your name were Joe Public, wouldn't you be much more inclined to visit a website like www.joepublic.companyname.com than just www.companyname.com?
  • Highly Targeted Mailing Lists - List brokers' databases have become incredibly detailed. Want to mail to folks with a household income of over $100K who enjoy golf and have two children between the ages of 3 and 6? It's all possible. So, direct mail is much more like shooting a laser beam than a shotgun like it used to be, which increases the open rate considerably.
  • QR Codes - Quick Response codes are bridging the gap between direct mail and a company's digital presence.  These are True, not everyone has a smart phone and can read these codes, but for those who do, they almost always take the opportunity to scan the code and see where it takes them.



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